2 research outputs found

    Upravljanje dokumentacijom zdravstvene njege u bolničkim uvjetima

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    Healthcare documentation or nursing documentation as often used in practice is the name of an indispensable part of a patientā€™s medical documentation, and documentation is an integral part of a nurseā€™s daily work. Documenting health care in the hospital means recording data on all procedures performed, during the entire health care process for the individual, all for the purpose of systematic monitoring, planning and evaluation of the quality of health care. Nursing documentation serves as a means of communication between the team and is of great importance for the quality and continuity of health care. AIMS: 1 - To determine the existence of health care documentation in hospital health care institutions; 2 - Examine the importance and purpose of documenting health care among nurses-medical technicians; 3 - Examine the practice of nurses-medical technicians in the process of administering health care; 4 - Present quality indicators that are monitored and analyzed through health care documentation; 5 - Compare the obtained results in two examined areas. METHODS: This research was conducted in two geographically separate areas of Sarajevo and Travnik. The study involved 210 respondents, 147 nurses-technicians employed at the Clinical Center of the University of Sarajevo and 63 nurses-technicians employed at the General Hospital in Travnik. Data collection for research was carried out by exploratory and descriptive method. An original authorized questionnaire was used for the descriptive research. The questionnaire was made available to respondents in the electronic form trough Google Forms. The anonymity of the respondents was fully guaranteed. The survey was conducted in the period from July 15- August 15, 2019. RESULTS: At the Clinical Center of the University of Sarajevo (CCU), 98% of respondents use health care documentation forms on a daily basis, and at the General Hospital Travnik 77.8% of respondents. In CCU Sarajevo, respondents use more standardized forms of health care documentation, 97.6%, compared to respondents in the General Hospital Travnik, where the documenting is carries out in nursing records, 74.6%. 68% of respondents at CCU Sarajevo believe that documentation contributes to the evaluation of nursing services, while only 19% of re-spondents at General Hospital Travnik believe the same. As the most common shortcomings, the respondents state the lack of computer technology in the department in 74.3%, then adequate premises for document administration in 37.6%, the lack of forms in printed form in 32.1% and 6 or 2.3% respondents did not answer this question. In both institutions, the biggest shortcoming is the problem of computer equipment in the department, in 70.7% in CCU Sarajevo and 82.5% in General Hospital Travnik. CONCLUSIONS: The research found that over 95% of respondents use standardized health care processes in their daily practice, document health care, know the basic purpose and monitor health care indicators. More than 90% of respondents in both study groups use health care documentation to plan health care and monitor its outcomes. More than half of respondents in both study groups stated that documenting health care is a problem because it consumes a lot of time. A larger number of respondents from both groups, as many as 30%, state that they do not use the data from the health care documentation for any purpose. The lack of workers in the health care process, insufficient knowledge of information technologies, and the lack of an information system represent an aggravating circumstance in documenting the health care process.Dokumentacija zdravstvene njege ili sestrinska dokumentacija, kako se često naziva u praksi, neizostavan je dio medicinske dokumentacije pacijenta, a dokumentiranje je sastavni dio svakodnevnoga sestrinskog posla. Dokumentiranje zdravstvene njege u bolnici podrazumijeva zapisivanje podataka o svim provedenim postupcima tijekom cjelokupnog procesa zdravstvene njege za pojedinca, a sve u svrhu sustavnog praćenja stanja te planiranja i vrednovanja kvaliteta zdravstvene njege. Sestrinska dokumentacija služi kao sredstvo komunikacije između tima i od velike je važnosti za kvalitetu i kontinuitet zdravstvene njege. CILJEVI RADA: 1. Utvrditi postojanje dokumentacije zdravstvene njege u bolničkim zdravstvenim ustanovama. 2. Ispitati praksu medicinskih sestara/tehničara u procesu administriranja zdravstvene njege. 3. Prikazati indikatore kvalitete koji se prate i analiziraju putem dokumentacije zdravstvene njege. 4. Komparirati dobivene rezultate u dva ispitivana područja. METODE RADA: Ovo istraživanje provedeno je na dva geografski odvojena područja, u Sarajevu i Travniku. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 210 ispitanika, i to 147 medicinskih sestara/tehničara zaposlenih u Kliničkom centru Univerziteta u Sarajevu i 63 medicinske sestre / medicinska tehničara zaposlena u Općoj bolnici u Travniku. Prikupljanje podataka za istraživanje provedeno je deskriptivnom metodom. Za deskriptivno istraživanje primijenjen je originalni autorski upitnik. Upitnik je ispitanicima bio dostupan u elektroničkom obliku u internetskoj aplikaciji Google Forms. Anonimnost ispitanika bila je u potpunosti zajamčena. Istraživanje je provedeno u periodu od 15. srpnja do 15. kolovoza 2019. REZULTATI ISTRAŽIVANJA:U Kliničkom centru Univerziteta u Sarajevu 98 % ispitanika svakodnevno upotrebljava obrasce dokumentacije zdravstvene njege, a u Općoj bolnici Travnik 77,8 % ispitanika. U KCU-u Sarajevo ispitanici viÅ”e upotrebljavaju standardizirane obrasce dokumentacije zdravstvene njege, i to 97,6 %, u odnosu na ispitanike u Općoj bolnici u Travniku, gdje se dokumentiranje vrÅ”i u sestrinske evidencijske bilježnice, i to 74,6 %. 68 % ispitanika u KCU-u Sarajevo smatra da dokumentiranje pridonosi vrednovanju sestrinskih usluga, dok to smatra samo 19 % ispitanika iz Opće bolnice Travnik. Kao najčeŔće nedostatke ispitanici navode nedostatak računalne tehnike na odjelu (74,3 %), zatim neadekvatne prostorije za administriranje dokumentacije (37,6 %) te nedostatak obrazaca u tiskanom obliku (32,1 %), a na ovo pitanje nije odgovorilo Å”est ili 2,3 % ispitanika.U obje ustanove kao najveći nedostatak navode problem računalne opreme na odjelu, i to 70,7 % u KCU-u Sarajevo i 82,5 % u OB-u Travnik. ZAKLJUČCI: Istraživanjem je utvrđeno da viÅ”e od 95 % ispitanika u svakodnevnoj praksi primjenjuje standardizirane procese zdravstvene njege, dokumentira zdravstvenu njegu, poznaje osnovnu svrhu i prati indikatore zdravstvene njege. ViÅ”e od 90 % ispitanika u obje ispitivane skupine dokumentacijom zdravstvene njege kori-sti se za planiranje zdravstvene njege i praćenje njezinih ishoda.ViÅ”e od polovine ispitanika u obje ispitivane skupine navelo je da im dokumentiranje zdravstvene njege predstavlja problem jer im oduzima mnogo vremena u radu. Veći broj ispitanika obje ispitivane skupine, čak 30 %, navodi da se podacima iz dokumentacije zdravstvene njege ne koriste ni u kakve svrhe. Nedostatak izvrÅ”itelja procesa zdravstvene njege, nedovoljno znanje o informacijskim tehnologijama te nepostojanje informacijskog sustava predstavlja otežavajuću okolnost u dokumentiranju procesa zdravstvene njege

    LEAN concept ā€“ possibilities of implementation and improvement of business processes in public healthcare organizations

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    Uvod: Osnovni je postulat lean koncepta da se veća efikasnost procesa rada može postići kroz proces kontinuiranog poboljÅ”anja. To znači eliminiranje otpada i maksimiziranje aktivnosti koje dodaju vrijednost. Zdravstveni sustavi u Nizozemskoj, Velikoj Britaniji, Italiji i Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama implementirali su lean koncept. Cilj rada: Ispitati miÅ”ljenje zdravstvenih radnika javne bolnice na području Sarajeva o mogućnostima unaprjeđenja poslovnih procesa implementacijom lean koncepta. Metoda: Istraživanje je provedeno kao presječna studija u javnoj bolnici na području Sarajeva. Upitnik je poslane-poÅ”tom zdravstvenim radnicima. Obuhvaćen je 91 ispitanik oba spola (doktori medicine, specijalizanti, diplomirane medicinske sestre, medicinske sestre i administrativno osoblje). Rezultati: Utvrđena je pozitivna korelacija stavova o efektivnosti i efikasnosti poslovnih procesa. Prema miÅ”ljenju ispitanika, veća efektivnost poslovnih procesa pridonosi većoj efikasnosti (r = 0,846; p < 0,05). Spearmanov koeficijent rs = 0,81 pokazuje jaku povezanost efektivnosti i efikasnosti poslovnih procesa. Zaključak: Istraživanje je pokazalo da postoji pozitivan stav o utjecaju lean koncepta na poboljÅ”anje učinkovitosti poslovnih procesa. Očekivani pozitivni učinciimplementacije lean koncepta manifestiraju se kroz: brže pružanje usluge pacijentima, smanjivanje vremena čekanja usluge i generalno poboljÅ”anje poslovnih procesa.Introduction: The basic postulate of the lean concept is that greater efficiency of the work process can be achieved through a process of continuous improvement, which aims to eliminate waste and maximize activities that add value.The Netherlands, Great Britain, Italy and the United States were examples of healthcare systems that implemented the lean concept. Aim: To examine the opinion of health workers of a public hospitals in the Sarajevo area about the possibilities of improving business processes by implementing the lean concept. Method: The cross-sectional study was conducted using a questionnaire. The questionnaire was sent to the e-mail addresses of health workers of public health organizations. 91 respondents of both sexes (doctors of medicine, residents, registered nurses, nurses and administrative staff) were included. Results: A positive correlation was establishedin the attitude toward the effectiveness and efficiency of business processes. According to the participantā€™s opinion, the greater effectiveness of business processes contributes to greater efficiency (r=0.846; p<0,05). Spearmanā€™s coefficient rs=0.81 shows a strong connection between the effectiveness and efficiency of business processes. Conclusion: The study showed that there is a positive attitude towards the impact of the lean concept on improving the efficiency of business processes. The reducexpected positive effects of the implementation of the lean concept are manifested through faster provision of services to patients, reduction of service waiting times and general improvement of business processes